A Hobby Gone Too Far

If you’re reading this it’s either because you clicked on a link on the home page or you’re genuinely curious as to why sisters would create a site that catalogs 2 decades of pain, sweat, blood and tears.

So… this section is all about us.



I started playing the piano when I was 5 and did all 8 of the piano grades available by the AMEB. At this time, Piano for Leisure hadn’t been brought out yet. Yes – I am *that* old. My piano teacher, Ms Jennifer Orton, took me through the first two grades of Theory before deciding that our sanity would be better kept if I switched to Musicianship. Not sure if her hearing appreciated the change…

I completed the minimum requirements (5th grade – yup, not 4th grade) and then promptly decided that I liked finishing things I started. So I kept going. And going. Before I knew it, I’d done 8th Grade Musicianship. Ever sat alone in an exam room? It’s fun.

I also did singing at the same time with Mrs Christine Clarke, who has the patience of a saint. She took me (and Lynn) through 8th Grade Singing and then the Certificate of Performance for Singing.

While I was doing all of this music study, it occurred to me that I could start teaching cute little newbies all I had learnt. So I started teaching and kept teaching until it dawned on me that I was a teacher and I should get a pretty piece of paper that said so. Easier said than done, but thankfully I had the courageous support of the indestructible Mrs Lynette Morgan. Not only is she a fantastic teacher and accompanist, she’s currently also a Board Member of the AMEB and one of their federal examiners. Once again I hoofed it to the AMEB and got myself a Certificate in Teaching. Again, ever sat alone in an exam room? Lots of fun.

In a nutshell:

  • 8th Grade Piano
  • 8th Grade Singing
  • 8th Grade Musicianship
  • Certificate of Performance in Singing
  • Certificate of Teaching in Piano
  • Been a teacher since 2003
  • 2016 – AMus Musicology
  • 2017 – Member of Music Teachers’ Association of NSW
  • 2018 – LMus Musicology
